Day 63 (GVRAT)

One foot in front of the other. I found myself far out on the parkway. I had a moment where I entertained the idea of going the full end of the parkway and back. I knew the humidity was going to climb fast, the sun on my back and the small breeze felt decent. I could hear mum’s voice again telling me, just remember as far as you go out, you need to come back.
I made the decision to turn around at the 8km mark (instead of the 14km), I’d grab the loop to bring me to 20km.

I struggled with turning around, it would have been easy to just keep going forward to get my miles instead of grabbing the loop. I wanted a change in scenery. Today wasn’t that day.

So Milo, we made it a half distance between the last 2 islands of the parkway. It’s something I’ve done before (a few years ago before surgery), I’m craving that distance again though, it might need to wait for a cloudy or fall day.

Total distance today: 20.22km
Total distance remaining: 213.65km

Until tomorrow…

Milo and his favourite cat Dorian ❤ – July 2, 2016

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